Here is a something interesting to know about Thai culture, they love imitating. Not to say that they are not proud of their culture or people, but with all the influences around them, I guess they can't help them selves. There is a huge popularity of Korean entertainment here. Probably more influential then the west, as far as entertainment goes. They watch Korean movies, play Korean games, and they love, love, love Korean pop music, and superstars. Again I am speaking in general.
Everyone is coping someone or something. Not just in Thailand. One reason I hear why people can't follow Jesus is that they want to own their own life. It's hard to give it to something else. Which I would agree with, sorda."I want to do what I want to do, it's my life." Or ,"only God can judge me, so I am going to do me." That last one is a hood saying.
Irony? Most people who live their life for themselves are actually doing what everyone else is doing. Your not rebellious, you just doing what the majority does. Isn't a rebel's life is going against the grain, not following everyone? Yet, we all do it. At some point, or even now, what people think or say about ourselves, controls us. The "in" fashion becomes what we like. The "in" movies, or music, yup we buy the cd or dvd. I was one who didn't believe that these things controlled me. How about what people think about how a relationship works. Mostly from books and movies. It's all selfish. People use each other, or one gets abused. Or romantic fairy tales that go against the values of God. We need GOD!
There has always been that question in my mind about the religions of the world. Who do they follow? Who models what they believe in? Some of them have a model. But all of them died and their bones are worshiped. But only one died, came back to life and lived, and is still living. In fact he promised he would live inside of those who believed in him, to show us his ways. That is why we are not religious but have a living relationship.
Are Christians suppose copy someone? OH yea, that Jesus guy. The blueprint that Jesus left behind to further his kingdom, was to be a disciple, and disciple others. And all these great gifts would be passed on to us to show of his glory. Emphasis on the gift of the Holy spirit. I think God knew we would be in trouble if we had to figure it out on our own.
Recently I had a friend I made Bee, who worked at a local guesthouse, call me and ask how she could become a Christian lady monk. Weird pairing of words. But I don't know how long ago the seed was planted all I know is that God with out me even knowing, led me to water this seed. In number of conversations with me, she found out that, I did not do the things other foreigners did in Thailand. In fact I was here to help. That I love Thai people and want to help them receive life. That I wasn't here to help my self but to give my self up to people who have no clue who I am. I guess she saw Jesus in that. She came and visited the center recently with a friend to come and see how they can help out at the center. They don't know Jesus yet, but this is what Bee said of Christians, "I want to become one, because they help other people, and don't just think about themselves." That humbled me, because it's hard not to think about yourself. She is now going to help teach Art at the center, and God knows what else may happen. She has already been telling others about this new way of life, and she hasn't read the Bible yet!
I once heard someone say the you might be the only Bible someone ever reads. Man that is some pressure. But I have faith that God is sanctifying me everyday. I give it to him everyday. But let's keep it simple. If your gonna copy someone, start with the homeless guy that only did what the father told him. He took regular guys and turned them into world changers. I thank God in my case, that the bar isn't that high when Jesus covers my sins and gives me the Holy spirit.
1 Timothy 1:15
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full attention: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.
John 12:26
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, he will my father honor.
Awesome post...
ReplyDeletemiss you
Thank you Jesus. Praise Him! Praise Him!!