Friday, July 31, 2009

Journal Entry July 31 part 1

I will share a personal entry of my devotional journal. I write of what God is bringing to me, and challenging me. I will post it in two parts. Reason is it will be long if I put it in one, and also both parts speak on different points. So this is the first part. There is a lot of Jim Elliot's journal in it. May it challenge and encourage your heart.

31 July
As I have been reading, ,'Shadow of the Almighty' I questioned myself in the up lifting feeling and urgency I get from Jim Elliot's words. It is not the words of the Lord but his. Yet anything we "create" he gets the glory. AMEN.
His Journal entry on October 24, 1949 is exactly the same idea I write about here. He writes about Brainerd's diary. Speaking about Brainerd's life he writes, "I have considered Hebrews 13:7 just now, regarding the remembrance of certain ones who spake the word of God, 'consider the outcome of their life, and imitate their life and imitate their faith.'
He goes on to list others of the faith that he read about, that challenged his walk. The next entry he writes about how similar are Brainerd's thoughts to his regarding 'true and false religion'. I am recorded in saying the same about Jim Elliot in an earlier entry.
Most of what I read in Christian litereature are biographys. I try not to get caught up in this fad of current books that want the reader to reshape the church or just tell you how it's doing it all wrong, in a back door, think like me, style. I am all for challenging, in fact I say we need it. But I will take a person's true life, and true self over someones attempt to sound relevant and different, anyday.
"I see the value of Christian biography tonight". Jim Elliot wrote that in the same entry. I agree with you Jim. "O lord, let me be granted grace to'imitate their faith'. This from the man who would write four days later on October 28th,"He is no fool who gives what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose". I pray that I can be a man like Elliot, that would be a stepping stone for generations to come.

Now my point is not that I worship Jim, but that as a fatherless generation, we have men that we can be spurred on by. And in the same point we also have amazing women. Even if they are gone. Paul even urged Timothy and others to follow him as he followed Christ.
So reading about Piper, Spurgeon, has got more than just facts about people.

The next entry is all personal things I speak of and think on.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fruit in Eternity

"I trust that eternity will reveal fruit from the effort." - Jim Elliot

I will give you what God has being revealing to me, but first wanted to give you some updates on ministry here.

Things at the Well, have been going through some changes. Some changes in programs and some, in some of the women and men. There are five from the ministry up at a Bible training school. They are doing very well and some are really growing. There could be some future prophets or preachers in the group. Maybe not right away, but everything has it's processes.
As for the rest of the Women at the Well, there has been a lot of sickness going around. Fevers, and headaches are the worst of them. There has been two babies recently born from the women at the center. There are plenty of other ones also crawling around at the center. Jesus, we need some fathers!
Jim has been really challenging the men and women, to really grow and become leaders of their community. On our little Sunday gatherings, call it church, or what ever your liking, Jim has really been challenging and encouraging the women to step out in faith. To walk in the authority of Jesus in the things they do. Like telling others about Jesus, or reaching out to their families, and neighbors. To Love their neighbors has been a focus in these discussions and teachings also.

So that's a little snap shot of life at the Well. Mr. Larson has his own blog at . So if you want to hear other stories or insights you can check it out. I don't know, I think he's kinda cool;)

Personally I have been encouraged, by some new friends I have made recently. I met Add and Juup just this past week. Thai young adults, who feel personally called out to make a change in what's going on around them. They see the pain and hurts, and lost lives. They know the issues plaguing the young people. A lot of the issues are similar to what I grew up watching. Unfaithful fathers, drug addictions, gangs, prostitution, lack of education, no families, poor values, etc. Straight up like the hood! I talked to Add for some time over lunch, as he told his story, my spirit just got lifted. His talked about some of his family members being drug dealers, and having to live in a church for part of his life just got me. Man, isn't this God not incredible? How was he spared? For some reason he took to going to church. He realized the power of God and his life had been changed from there on in. Gradually being blessed with a group of believers that loved him like family, and then moving on to University. I didn't get to speak to Juup much until this pass weekend, as I spent a night in their neighborhood, and got to worship with their house church group. It was bangin! (awesome) She has a happy, affectionate spirit. She too wants to do something about the Kingdom. God raises up soldiers to win, Amen. Do we really want to do something about the lost? I once read that "We don't believe something simply by saying we believe it, or even when we believe that we believe it. We believe something when we act as if it where true." - Dallas Willard

I feel like God has answered my cries for friendship. For brothers and sisters to build this Kingdom on earth with. To start really loving on the inner city, working class people. Add told me that he had never met a man that reached out to prostitutes, until he met Jim. I said,"Jesus hung out and loved on women like that in his ministry." He just thought for a bit and smiled. And nodded in agreement, and let out a "Yea".

If God could take me out of Kensington, North Philly, then anything is possible through his transforming power and love. It took time, but God is so faithful! I have always felt like the hood doesn't define me, but Christ does. But God chose to raise me up in a hurting broken place. I don't speak about it to pump me up, but I glorify the father in his amazing plans. I will always remember my times playing in the fire hydrant in the summer, because we didn't have a park to swim in. Or running in the house, because a shoot out just broke out. I never thought I would ever live to see 16 years of age, let alone leave the city. Can anything good come from Nazareth? I know it. It can come out of these streets, slums, suburbs, rich communities and hoods of Bangkok too. I will trust that eternity will show fruit, so no use in sitting here and waiting for eternity, I got work to do.

"What if you where dead in sins, and Christians over looked Y'all; This is why we leave the couch and leave the comforts of our house, to show a dying world a God they probably never read about!" - Lecrae Moore (Christian Rapper)