So being in Philly for the first month and a half since coming back from Thailand was good for my soul. I didn't do a whole lot per say. I just was. I talked baseball with my brothers. I wrestled my nephew and threw him up in the air. I watched Dora the Explorer with one of my nieces, and tickled and chased the other. I ate my mom's cooking and watched boxing with my step-father. I blew out birthday candles and got caked in the face(a family tradition). I visited my dad. I helped out my sisters and sister-in-law when I could, tried to love on my sisters, who all are expecting, the best I could. I ate cheese-steaks with friends. Watched basketball with old mentors. I went on a rode trip with my brother. We visited the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Basketball HOF, and visited Boston. I went to a Flyers game, and Sixers game with my brothers. I did things which I missed the most.
And while I missed them the most, I missed being Philly just because. The culture, the food, and the attitude. Jew eva eat a wadder ice? Did you ever eat a water-ice? Probably not. But if your ever in town ask someone to point you to a Rita's. Oh yea, we got soft pretzels, Tasty cakes, hoagies, crab fries and cheese-steaks of course. To many things to eat so take my word for it. You won't be going to far to hear about our favorite sport teams. If their losing or winning you will here about it some where. You see team gear on every other person. Philly has a bad rap for being horrible fans. That's far from it. We have the best fans. We're just horrible to everyone else and any other team, especially any from NY. The history, the sites, it all was good to see. I visited Will Penn, in City Hall. Walked to the Art museum and ran up the steps. And of course I said hi to Rocky, but at the bottom of the steps. It was good to be a tourist to my own city for day. It's the "City that loves you back", at least that's what they say.

And now I am in Kansas City, MO. Looking forward to getting readjusted to life in America for a while. I'm looking for a part time job. In hopes that the Lord blesses me with a car. I will be wanting to enroll in online bible school, and get my certification in Teaching English. All that will come but I need to reflect on my life the past couple of years. To learn from my mistakes. To take joy in the victories. To let God speak to my heart. I'm in no rush but Thailand is still in my heart. I missed the people I know in Cambodia too. But for now I'll enjoy what God wants to do. I've gone fishing, rock climbing, and may be go camping soon. Doing things that my heart desires. I will be seeking God for vision to guide me in the next part in my life. The overall message of my time in the states so far is that I am, God's beloved son, and he is glad to have me home for a while.